Closed- market

Case of non-implementation of SOPs in lockdown

Punjab Government declared to reduce the restrictions in lockdown and It was decided that SOPs should be  pandemistrictly enforced. So that the poverty and hunger problems can be cured and economy can be put on track. For this, almost all the Businesses were allowed to be resumed across the province of Punjab for five days of the week.

But the violation of SOPs were found in major markets of Punjab. Cheif Minister of Punjab, Sardar Usman Buzdar said that “In many places safety measures are not being followed and it results in the continuous increase of the Corona virus patients in Pakistan. Punjab Government decided to take strict action against the violators in the Province.”

In view of which markets in Lahore, Faisalabad and Rawalpindi will be closed till further orders. The step is taken to assure the safety of the people, so that everyone can be cured from the Covid-19 Pandemic.

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